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Choir Leader

Jo MacRae has recently taken over the role of  Choir Leader.

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Choir Leader

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Jo joined SING4FUN! In 2016 having previously enjoyed performing, from an early age, with an amateur dramatics group in Ormskirk.


She has thoroughly enjoyed singing with the choir for the past 2-3 years and was delighted to be asked to join the committee having both experienced and witnessed the benefits of group singing.


She has a real passion for ensuring that SING4FUN! enables everyone to participate, enjoy each rehearsal and know that they are a value member of the group.


Jo helped organise the first Parbold Sings event in 2018, was overwhelmed by the reception it got and can’t wait for this year’s event on March 30th! 


Following the departure of our Musical Director in December, 2018, Jo happily stepped into the role of interim  Choir Leader from January, 2019, leading the choir with our accompianist, Nigel Hill.  She has thoroughly enjoyed this time leading the choir and has agreed to continue in this role for the future.  Much to delight of Nigel, the Committee and the Choir.

Jo MacRae

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